Ever feel like you're talking to a wall when you cold call and don't leave a voicemail? 🌫️
I used to think shooting off the perfect email sequence would work magic, only to realize the hard truth: calls matter more than we'd like to admit.
Some interesting finds from my recent deep dive into sales calls:
My takeaway? We need more consistency and a dialing mindset to truly drive sales success. Yes, we all cringe at cold calls, but there's a science to this madness, and ironically, it's more human than you'd think.
From my journey as an SDR to hopping into the debate-worthy world of academic sales, here's what I've learned:
If you're skeptical about calls, consider this: One SDR booked 168 meetings from 164 calls. A little diligence - and a dash of persistence - goes a long way.
Are you a fan of cold calls or team email? Let's hear your thoughts.